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Wake on Lan and some useful stuff as web service.

License: WTFPL code factor cc maintainability cc issues

ci docs release


pip install git+[all]

for using as cli tool, i recommend use pipx

pipx install git+[cli,ssh,scapy]

launch dev web server


to get command-line arguments type wol-dev-server -h.

--bind, -b - listen interface address. default -;
--port, -p - listen port. default - 5000;
--debug, -d - run in debug mode. default - false;
--no-db - do not use database and disable CRUD api.

arguments also can be passed through env vars prefixed by WOL_, example - WOL_PORT=3000 python -m wol.wsgi.

more seriously launch

gunicorn --access-logfile - 'wol.wsgi:create_app()'

docker launch

docker run --rm -ti -p 5000:5000

or for use syn/ack tcp packets instead of ping for checking host:

docker run --rm -u root -p 5000:5000

port can be passed at the build stage - --build-arg PORT=8000, or at the launch stage - -e PORT=8000.
default user has no root permissions, so the port can't be less than 1024, or you can launch the container with root user - -u root -e PORT=80.
other configurations can be passed wia GUNICORN_CMD_ARGS variable.


api doc
cli doc



  • ssh pkey
  • access control
  • jwt
  • browsable interface
  • configuration
  • sentry dsn
  • userless mode
  • sync names: host, hostname, address, login, username, etc
  • validate model filling in per model actions
  • replace configparser by typer
  • extend per model actions
  • mass core operations
  • mass per model operations
  • add hosts from scanning net


  • in-app openapi doc
  • healthcheck
  • disable ht logs
  • sentry
  • tests
  • ci